Welcome to Arvada High School Athletic Registration

All the registration steps for Spring  Sports Registration will need to be completed and approved, prior to participating
on Monday, February 24th, 2025, which is the first official day for practices and tryouts throughout Colorado. 

In the meantime, there are two things you should do prior to registering to play sports.

STEP 1: Get a Sports Physical

Students in grades 9-12 registering for athletics must have a current physical examination uploaded in the system to participate in practice/tryouts. Physicals are current for 12 months from the date of the last exam.  

STEP 2: You will need your student's Jeffco Student ID to register.

Students who attend a Jeffco school already have a Student ID number.

If your student is new to Jefferson County, is a home-schooled student, or attends a private school, and plans to participate in sports at Arvada HS (or any Jeffco high school), they will need a Jeffco Student ID. If your student attended pre-school, kindergarten, or any grade at a Jeffco school years ago, they already have a Jeffco ID.  Do not create another Jeffco account!

If your student has never been enrolled in a Jeffco School and would like to play a sport for Jeffco please follow the steps below to receive a Jeffco Student ID so that you can register your student in the RSchool Athletic Registration;

 1)     Go to enrolljeffco.org

2)     Click the purple enrolljeffco button

3)     Enter their parent email

4)     Enter their contact info to create an account

5)     Check their email to set their password

6)     Add their student, using the magenta “Add Student”

7)     Apply for 23/24 to Out of District Athlete

8)     Once accepted, they will get a link to OLR to fill out the info we used to collect in JCON.

9)     This will be reviewed and then they will receive an ID number

Additional Information/Payment Information 

  • You will need to have your PHYSICAL available to UPLOAD again.
  • Once the registration program opens on Oct 16th, it may take approximately 72 hours or more for your registration to be approved by the Athletic Secretary. 
  • If you are a Tranfer or Non-Attender please make sure you have filled out and submitted your forms. Click here for the NON-ATTENDING FORMTRANSFER FORM 9



Click the icon below to begin registering.

If you already have a family account, please read the information on the next page about returnng users once you click Athletic Registration below.

Click the icon below to begin

Athletic Team Registration


Online registration help video

Click this link to get directions for uploading physicals

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please contact:

LeRoy Lopez - Athletic Director
Phone: 303-982-5145
Leslie Santaniello - Athletic Secretary
Phone: 303-982-0116